WPD Files for QMS PostScript Printers This disk contains WPD files for most QMS PostScript printers. These files will allow you to add a particular QMS printer to the list of supported printers in any Windows PostScript driver based on the original Microsoft driver which supported the addition of printers through WPD files. The following drivers provide this support: Microsoft V3.3 Microsoft V3.4 Microsoft V3.5 Aldus V3.4a QMS V1.0 QMS V1.1 QMS V1.2 QMS V1.3 QMS V1.4 QMS V2.1X NOTE: The QMS PostScript driver for Windows 3.x already supports all QMS printers. It is available from the QMS Bulletin Board at (205) 633-3632 or in the QMS section of the DTPVEN forum on Compuserve. Unless you have a particular reason for keeping your current driver and adding printers, it is probably better to just use the QMS driver. The format of the WPD file was modified a bit for Windows 3.1. Therefore, this disk contains WPD files for Windows 3.0 and 3.1. To add printers using WPD files follow these steps: 1) In Windows, at the Program Manager dialog box, double click on the Control Panel icon. 2) In the Control Panel dialog box, double click on the Printers icon. 3) Click on your PostScript driver entry in the Installed Printers list and then click on Configure (for Windows 3.1 click on Setup and proceed to Step #5). 4) In the Configure dialog box, click on Setup. 5) In the Setup dialog box, click on Add Printer. 6) You will be prompted to insert a disk into drive A. If you are using drive A, insert the disk containing the WPD files into that drive. If you are using another drive, type in the appropriate drive name and insert the disk there. Add the path name "\WPDS\QMS" and "\WIN30" or "\WIN31". (ex. b:\wpds\qms\win31). Click on OK. 7) Click on the desired QMS printer and Click on Add to install the printer. You may add up to 5 external printers to most drivers. See the Removing External Printers section of this document if you need to remove a printer to make room for others. Excluding the QMS driver, most PostScript drivers for Windows 3.x do not provide support for all the fonts resident in some QMS printers. Check the section "Installing Softfonts" to see if this applies to the printer you have added. 8) Click on Done. 9) Select the QMS printer you just added in the Printer list and set the desired paper source and size. QMS printers added with WPD files have "<<<" appended to the printer name. 10) Click on OK through all subsequent screens to exit. Close the Control Panel dialog box and exit Windows to insure that your changes take effect. The QMS printer has been added to the list of printers supported by your driver as an external printer. Installing Softfonts -------------------- A printer font metrics file (PFM file) is included on the diskettes for each of the fonts resident in QMS printers that is not normally supported by other printer drivers. Follow these steps to install the PFM files: 1) Copy all PFM files to your windows directory For QMS-PS 410, QMS-PS 815, QMS-PS 825, QMS-PS 1700, QMS-PS 2000 or QMS-PS 3200: COPY A:\WPDS\QMS\PFM\AG\*.PFM C:\WINDOWS For QMS ColorScript 210, or QMS ColorScript 230: COPY A:\WPDS\QMS\PFM\65\*.PFM C:\WINDOWS 2) Make a backup copy of the WIN.INI file in your windows directory. Edit the WIN.INI file with an ASCII text editor. 3) Search for the [fonts] entry containing a list of printer fonts with the following format. [fonts] fontname=PFM file name fontname=PFM file name fontname=PFM file name fontname=PFM file name 4) Add the following entries for additional fonts. For QMS-PS 410, QMS-PS 815, QMS-PS 825, QMS-PS 1700, QMS-PS 2000 or QMS-PS 3200: [fonts] AGaramond-Regular=GDRG____ AGaramond-Italic=GDI_____ AGaramond-Semibold=GDSB____ AGaramond-SemiboldItalic=GDSBI___ AGaramond-Bold=GDB_____ AGaramond-BoldItalic=GDBI____ For QMS ColorScript 210, or QMS ColorScript 230: [fonts] Aachen-Bold=acb_____ BrushScript=bs______ Cooper-Black=cb______ CooperBlack-Italic=cbi_____ FreestyleScript=fs______ Garamond-Bold=gab_____ Garamond-BoldItalic=gabi____ Garamond-Light=gal_____ Garamond-LightItalic=gali____ Helvetica-Black=hvbl____ Helvetica-BlackOblique=hvblo___ Helvetica-Light=hvl_____ Helvetica-LightOblique=hvlo____ Hobo=ho______ LetterGothic=lg______ LetterGothic-Bold=lgb_____ LetterGothic-BoldSlanted=lgbsl___ LetterGothic-Slanted=lgsl____ Optima=op______ Optima-Bold=opb_____ Optima-BoldOblique=opbo____ Optima-Oblique=opo_____ ParkAvenue=pa______ Revue=re______ Stencil=st______ UniversityRoman=ur______ 5) Update each PostScript printer entry in the WIN.INI with references to the additional fonts. These entries have the following format. [PostScript,xxxx] xxxx can be LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, FILE, etc. 6) In each PostScript printer entry, add the softfont entries. For QMS-PS 410, QMS-PS 815, QMS-PS 825, QMS-PS 1700, QMS-PS 2000 or QMS-PS 3200: [PostScript,LPT1] softfonts=6 softfont1=C:\WINDOWS\GDRG____.PFM softfont2=C:\WINDOWS\GDI_____.PFM softfont3=C:\WINDOWS\GDSB____.PFM softfont4=C:\WINDOWS\GDSBI___.PFM softfont5=C:\WINDOWS\GDB_____.PFM softfont6=C:\WINDOWS\GDBI____.PFM For QMS ColorScript 210, or QMS ColorScript 230: [PostScript,LPT1] softfonts=26 softfont1=C:\WINDOWS\ACB_____.PFM softfont2=C:\WINDOWS\BS______.PFM softfont3=C:\WINDOWS\CB______.PFM softfont4=C:\WINDOWS\CBI_____.PFM softfont5=C:\WINDOWS\FS______.PFM softfont6=C:\WINDOWS\GAB_____.PFM softfont7=C:\WINDOWS\GABI____.PFM softfont8=C:\WINDOWS\GAL_____.PFM softfont9=C:\WINDOWS\GALI____.PFM softfont10=C:\WINDOWS\HVBL____.PFM softfont11=C:\WINDOWS\HVBLO___.PFM softfont12=C:\WINDOWS\HVL_____.PFM softfont13=C:\WINDOWS\HVLO____.PFM softfont14=C:\WINDOWS\HO______.PFM softfont15=C:\WINDOWS\LG______.PFM softfont16=C:\WINDOWS\LGB_____.PFM softfont17=C:\WINDOWS\LGBSL___.PFM softfont18=C:\WINDOWS\LGSL____.PFM softfont19=C:\WINDOWS\OP______.PFM softfont20=C:\WINDOWS\OPB_____.PFM softfont21=C:\WINDOWS\OPBO____.PFM softfont22=C:\WINDOWS\OPO_____.PFM softfont23=C:\WINDOWS\PA______.PFM softfont24=C:\WINDOWS\RE______.PFM softfont25=C:\WINDOWS\ST______.PFM softfont26=C:\WINDOWS\UR______.PFM The "softfont?=??????" entries must be numbered in consecutive order and the "softfonts=?" value must be equal to the number of "softfont?=?????" entries. EXAMPLE: The following example shows a typical printer entry before and after adding the new softfont entries for Adobe Garamond Softfonts. BEFORE: [PostScript,LPT1] softfonts=2 softfont1=C:\WINDOWS\HVB_____.PFM softfont2=C:\WINDOWS\HVO_____.PFM AFTER: [PostScript,LPT1] softfonts=8 softfont1=C:\WINDOWS\HVB_____.PFM softfont2=C:\WINDOWS\HVO_____.PFM softfont3=C:\WINDOWS\GDRG____.PFM softfont4=C:\WINDOWS\GDI_____.PFM softfont5=C:\WINDOWS\GDSB____.PFM softfont6=C:\WINDOWS\GDSBI___.PFM softfont7=C:\WINDOWS\GDB_____.PFM softfont8=C:\WINDOWS\GDBI____.PFM Removing External Printers ----------------------------------- Most Windows 3.x PostScript drivers only allow you to add up to 5 external printers with WPD files. If you have already added 5 external printers and need to install a different printer, you must remove a previously installed external printer. Follow these steps to remove an external printer: 1) Make a backup copy of the WIN.INI file in your windows directory. Edit the WIN.INI file with an ASCII text editor. 2) Search for a [PSCRIPT] entry containing a list of external printers with the following format. [PSCRIPT] External Printers=5 printer1=qps2000 printer2=qps2220 printer3=qps825 printer4=qps410 printer5=qps820 3) Remove individual printers by deleting "printer?=??????" lines. Renumber the "printer?=??????" entries so that they are consecutive. 4) Change the number of printers indicated in the "External Printers=?" entry. The value in this entry must equal the number of "printer?=?????" entries. EXAMPLE: Removing the qps825 printer entry. BEFORE: [PSCRIPT] External Printers=5 printer1=qps2000 printer2=qps2220 printer3=qps825 printer4=qps410 printer5=qps820 AFTER: [PSCRIPT] External Printers=4 printer1=qps2000 printer2=qps2220 printer3=qps410 printer4=qps820 PPD Files On This Disk ---------------------- Some printer drivers read PPD (PostScript Printer Description) files to determine a printer's capablilities. The supplied PPD files (in the PPD40 subdirectory) are intended for those drivers. Use the instructions provided with the driver for information about how to use these PPD files. Technical Support ----------------------------------- If you encounter a problem while installing or using the QMS WPD files or the QMS PostScript driver for Windows 3.x, please call QMS Customer Technical Support at (205) 633-4500.